Friday, January 18, 2013

Save Money by Eating Breakfast at Home

A friend of mine recently announced proudly to his wife that he saved $12 that day by not having breakfast. What he meant was “not eating out” for breakfast. Good job! Let’s take a closer look at the financial impact of his decision of not eating out that morning.

Spending $12 every morning (Monday through Friday) means spending: $60 a week, $240 a month, and $2,880 a year! WOW, THAT’S PRICEY! 

Most of us do not think about the lost financial opportunities a few dollars a day can bring. For example, if my friend were to invest the $2,880 that he would have saved over the course of just one year at a reasonable rate of return (12% over, let’s say 30 years), he would be looking at a nice chunk of $$$.

If you’re like my friend, review the figures below. You’ll find sample prices of breakfasts-on-the-run, your annual spending if you indulge in eating breakfast out during a business week (Monday thorough Friday), and of course the amount of money that you would have made had you invested it! 

I bet you had no idea you could save that much on just eating breakfast at home!

Of course the name of the game is to save and invest this money not just one year but year after year. By doing this, you will increase your wealth exponentially. 

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